June 10, 2022
Diesel Power Plant to Receive New Life from CL Real Estate Development & Diesel Boys

GRAND HAVEN, MI: On June 6, the City Council of Grand Haven, Michigan approved an agreement to sell the historic Grand Haven Diesel Power Plant for $1M to Grand Power Works, LLC, a joint venture of CLRED and local partners “Diesel Boys.” The proposal submitted included the adaptive reuse of the spacious interior as a combination of office space, a restaurant, and event space. Grand Power Works will now enter a due diligence period for the next 120 days, starting from when the agreement is signed. During the due diligence period, Grand Power Works will study the property in greater depth to assess its feasibility to be redeveloped into the proposed mixed-use office, restaurant, and event space. Working in conjunction with the planning commission, development partners, investors, and architecture and engineering consultants, Grand Power Works will be able to determine the best use of the property.
CLRED and Diesel Boys intend to keep the most significant historical aspects of the diesel plant, preserving the building’s character and identity and protecting the openness and grandeur of the space. This project will provide a different and unique space for events that will draw interest year-round for Grand Haven, a traditionally seasonal market. With the new use of the space, both locals and newcomers to the city will be able to experience the diesel plant, previously inaccessible to the general public. “We’re honored to have the opportunity to develop the diesel power plant. We believe this will be a transformative project for the city, preserving the history of a building that has served the community for over a century and allowing it to continue to serve Grand Haven for many years to come in a new capacity,” says CLRED Development Associate Brant Cohen.
CLRED is joined in this endeavor by the senior leadership of its longtime partner, Lakewood Construction, Nick Nykerk and Kyle Engbers. Lakewood Construction is a Holland-based construction company with many prominent construction projects in Grand Haven. Lakewood will manage the construction of the project. “Developing the diesel power plant will give the community access to a piece of Grand Haven history in a new and exciting way. We are very grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of this project with CLRED and can’t way to see it come to life once again” says Nick Nykerk of Lakewood Construction.
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